About Rebecca Hamilton

I am Representative Rebecca Hamilton, a 16-year member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, which means I have much more seniority than anyone else in the Oklahoma Legislature.

I was first elected in 1980, served three terms, then left office when I had my first child. Before I was elected, I was an ardent pro abortion activist. I helped found the first abortion clinic in Oklahoma and, during the early 1970s, was the NARAL Director for Oklahoma.

I was re-elected in 2002. I had experienced a powerful religious conversion which changed me concerning issues of life. I had also converted to the Catholic Church. The same people in the same House District who had elected me as a pro-choice advocate graciously re-elected me as a pro-life Catholic.

During the years away from public office I was a full-time, stay at home Mom.

I never planned on blogging. But the HHS Mandate requiring the Catholic Church to violate its moral teachings or face crippling fines, along with the many battles I’ve fought for the sanctity of human life since I returned to office, have changed my mind. Being a Public Catholic is not easy. Its not easy for anyone who takes it seriously. I fear it’s going to become more difficult as time goes by.

I want to add my small voice to the fight.




The things I say on this blog are my own thoughts. Nobody — not my political party, my church, my friends, my family or my cat — is responsible for them but me.

Public Catholic copyright Rebecca Hamilton all rights reserved


  1. Good for you, Rebecca. I had to go through a conversion of sorts myself. I always went along with abortion intellectually, because all the intellectuals thought it was great. But I have learned. When my children were born, I loved them dearly and still do, but it took the arrival of my grandchildren to show me the real meaning of life. I truly see now that life is God’s great gift that nobody has the right to take away. I hope you will visit again to read my next post on the subject. It is worth asking if the right to life is still considered inalienable by our government.

  2. The post I read on your blog — What Chen Gaungcheng and the Catholic Bishops Have in Common — was very insightful. I had never thought of the parallels you drew, but agree with them. Your comment here is also insightful. In truth, I don’t believe that the right to life is inalienable any longer, either in our laws or our actions. Thanks for your comment, and the work you do with your blog.

  3. I am so proud of you for being publically Catholic, especially in our current society. Thank-you for being a voice for the voiceless (unborn).

  4. Thank you. I wish I had your gift for poetry!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog Rebecca and please continue to speak loudly through yours because, unlike so many others, you have something important to say.

  6. Thank you Dr Ryzek. Your comment that Christians are people who must live on the edge is so true.

  7. Hi Rebecca. Thanks for visiting my BLOG. My response to abortion is quite simple really – Psalm 139 (in particular verses 13:14). This says “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” I believe it is very dangerous for us to mess with what God has created, but until we have a revelation of who God is we as humans make our own rules. Life would be a whole lot simpler if we all read the Bible and followed the guidance He gives there.

  8. Hi Jacqui!

    Psalm 139 does make it quite clear that the unborn are people, doesn’t it?

  9. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for checking out our blog. We’re glad you like what you see. God bless your voice of reason in today’s troubled world. Blessings, Joni and Teresa

    1. Thanks! Your ministry sounds both unique and needed. Blessings.

  10. Thanks Rebecca’s for standing up for your beliefs. We need people like you, who are willing to hear from God and speak what He places in your heart and mouth! Stay strong and gentle! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

    1. The work you do at Women’s Hope is God’s own. You are saving lives by being the love of Christ to others in their time of need. God bless you and thank you for what you do.

      1. Thank you Rebecca.

  11. All the best as you keep striving for the sanctity of life Rebecca!
    Thanks for stopping by thelifestylereview the other day.

    1. Thanks! Your observations in your blog about our mortality were very good ones. Interesting, how we all tend to forget that we are mortal and live as if we had forever.

  12. Hey Rebecca
    You’re the first to visit and ‘like’ my blog. I am also a pro-lifer and activist. Thanks for standing up so publicly.

    1. I think your blog is great, the prayers are beautiful.

      Keep on with it, please.


  13. Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m happy to read your bio. It’s hard not to get discouraged when looking at the political landscape of modern America. We are being more and more polarized as a nation and It’s good to know that someone has the fortitude to stand up for the truth. May God grant you the grace to continue your good work and witness.

    1. Thank you Joreen.



  14. Hey, thanks for visiting my blog, and more importantly, sticking up for the Catholic faith on the HHS Mandate. As a relatively recent convert, I really had to think through the Church’s pro-life teachings. After looking at the Bible though, how can it be disputed that life begins in the womb, though, and that it is God’s prerogative, not man’s that dictates the span of that life in any and all circumstances.

  15. One of the hardest times of my life was when I realized how wrong I had been about abortion. It changed how I view other people, and how I view myself. There is no humility quite like looking honestly at your own sins. The Catholic Church, with its absolute belief that people can change through the love of Christ, healed me.

    Your blog is fascinating.

    Welcome home!

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am a native of Oklahoma and have lived in North Carolina since the early 1980’s. It is good to know Christians are living out loud in my home state. Let our lives be witness…

  17. Dose what you say mean you are now a Born Again Christian. Rebecca. God’s Holy Spirit Living In You.
    From Colin

  18. Hi, Rebecca, I was born and raised in Oklahoma and still have family ties to the state. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  19. What part of Oklahoma are you from?

    1. Northeastern, around Wagoner and Tahlequah.

  20. I grew up in Del City. The family ranch/farm was outside of Welston. I graduated from Crooked Oak High School, Oklahoma Baptist University and did my masters work at Oklahoma University.

    1. A real Okie. Do you ever miss it?

  21. bnewvision · · Reply

    Hello Rebecca,
    Thank you for taking a stand! You are an amazing example of living by Faith and I commend your Strength! Thank you for visiting my blog and for liking my post. Blessing to you!

    1. Your post was heart wrenching and powerful. Thank you for having the courage to post it.

  22. Hello Rebecca, Thank you for giving me a “Like” on my essay of my tribute to my father. I appreciate it very much. Sincerely, Richard Mabey

  23. rosemcom · · Reply

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you for liking my “Happy Mother’s Day” post on my “Delightful Local Repast” blog…Best, Rose

  24. Hello,
    Thank you for liking the Fra Angelico Institute for the Sacred Arts. Thank you for being a “public Catholic” and fighting the good fight. Best wishes for continued success. Keep us in your prayers and we will do the same for you.

    1. Go Send or Disobey · · Reply

      Hi Rebecca

      Thank you for your visit and like on my post “A Crisis of Faith.” Thank you also for your courage to be public about your faith and firm in your stance against abortion. I know it is not the popular stance to take these days but those of us who truly desire to be obedient to God’s Word know that the road is rocky and very much worth every step.


  25. Thank you for your conversion story. I had mine last year. It’s so amazing how fast it happens. Praise God

    1. Thank you for your comment!

  26. That is so awesome! Thank you for standing up and being willing to be known publicly as a Catholic. May God bless you!

    1. Thank you! Also, thank you for your blog and the work you are doing.

  27. Thank you, Rep. Hamilton, for reading my blog post on Communion as Nourishment and for “liking it.” I wish you well in your efforts to integrate your faith with your role as a legislator. Grace and peace to you. Eric Kouns

    1. Thank you Eric.

  28. God bless you for your service and your courageous faith!

  29. Love the honest persistence – be encouraged and keep going. A shout of support from across the pond in England!

  30. Thank you and the same to you.

  31. Hello Rebecca,

    God works in such mysterious ways, especially for people to meet. You visited my blog at http://www.albertasequeira.wordpress.com. You liked my topic “Reality.”

    I came to visit your site and I’m so impressed. I have so much I could talk to you about with my return to my faith in my 2012 memoir A Spiriutal Renewal; A Journey to Medjugorje (due on Amazon within a few weeks), abortion issues and a petition for alcohols, addicts and mental patients.

    God leads His people!

    drop by: memoirs@albertasequeira.com

    1. Alberta, I’ve been surprised by all the great people I’ve met through this blog. I’ll check back with you tomorrow.

  32. I know what you mean. There is a community here that I never knew existed.
    BTW, there is drug and alcohol abuse in my family. It’s a kind of living death, and a terrible grief for those who love the alcoholic/addict. Thank you for caring about this plague that is destroying so many lives.

  33. susansplace · · Reply

    Good evening, Rebecca. Thank you so much for reading my blog and acknowledging it!! I have been reading yours, and find I have so much more to think about — thank you! I look forward to making my way through all of your posts!

  34. Susan, your blog is a poignant statement of love. God bless you and your dear husband. I will keep you in my prayers.


  35. applyingmybeliefs · · Reply

    Rebecca, thank you for liking my blog. I am not a native Oklahoman, (I am originally from the UK) but I am married to one! In fact we are going up to OK from where we live in Katy, TX next weekend for her family reunion. She was born in Okmulgee, about 35 miles south of Tulsa. I am also an OU graduate, (MBA 1985), so I am a big sooner fan.

    I too converted to Christianity later on in life, I was 33 when I was called. I write on various issues as I feel led, but I focus on applying the word of God to whatever I see. Abortion is one of my hot topics. In the ministry I run at my church, we have a post-abortion support group for women who have had an abortion and come to a place of deep regret later.

    Keep it up.

  36. Thank you. I know Okmulgee well; it’s a beautiful town. Go Sooners!

  37. I was born a Catholic but had a panic attack in church one day and didn’t go back for 15 years. I feared another and then we make excuses not to go. I was pushing myself beyond what my body and mind could take living in an alcoholic marriage with my husband.

    I went on a ten day pilgrimage to Medjugorje in Bosnia and was blessed with my faith again. By then, I was divorced from survival and he died in 1985 at 45 years of age. I wrote about it in A Spiritual Renewal; A Journey to Medjugorje which is due out anytime on Amazon and B&N.

    1. Sometimes we are in so much pain that we can’t feel God’s loving hand, holding us up. But He is always there. I wish you success with your book.

  38. Rebecca,
    Thanks for visiting The Christ Centered Teaching blog.
    I live in Arizona, but came here from Michigan 7 years ago.
    My old Church is very pro-life.
    The church web address is http://www.cornerstoneforlife.com
    Cool huh?
    (an EPC Presbyterian Church).
    You can hear Dr. Richard Alberta’s
    anctity of life Sunday sermon at my site. It is titled, “God is Not Deaf”.
    (as Able ‘s blood cried out fromthe ground to God, so the blood of the unborn cries out to God.”)
    Dr. Alberta would love to hear from you as well.
    God less!
    C. C. T.

  39. Dear Sister Rebecca,
    Thank you for visiting my blog “A CHRISTIAN PILGRIMAGE” http://achristianpilgrim.wordpress.com. Pleas pray for us Christians in Indonesia. May the Blesed Trinity bless you, always.
    A Christian Pilgrim

    1. All Christians should pray for and support our brothers and sisters in Christ in Indonesia. I have been reading about what is happening there, and I will certainly pray for you. My heart is with you.

  40. Rebecca – I love your heart. Your words, “I want to add my small voice to the fight” are so sweet. If only we would all know and understand that our small voices do in fact make a difference.

  41. Each one of us has a voice and we should use it to our best ability to speak in ways that help bring the light and love of Christ into the hearts of other people. Thank you for your kind comment.

  42. pastorjeffcma · · Reply

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I would like to add my voice to those encouraging the stand you are taking. Thank you for your courage and your commitment.

  43. Thank you Pastor Jeff.

  44. Although I am a California girl, my father and all of his family are from Oklahoma. Enjoyed perusing your blog and want to thank you for visiting mine. Blessings!

  45. Thanks Terrie. I’m a gospel apprentice too!

  46. Hi Rebecca
    Thanks for your visit and do continue to follow the Lord.
    Love you 😀

  47. Hi Pat! Thank you.

  48. I never dreamed anyone from the House of Representatives of any state or Federal Government would see my blog. Thank-you stopping by! We are just a bunch of men who love Jesus and get together to pray, it would our pleasure to pray for you. Thank-you again and may the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ be poured into you in all that you do. Amen.

    1. Prayer is one of the greatest gifts we can give anyone. Thank you for your prayers.

  49. Xara · · Reply

    Thank you for reading and liking my blog post!

    1. Xara, your blog combines whimsy with an important message. It was a treat to read.

  50. hey Rebecca – i saw you liked the post on my blog concerning adoption – i am hoping to do a Taboo Topic probably next cos i think it is linked on abortion and if you would be prepared to write a piece on the change you underwent i think that would be incredible – basically i’ve been telling people about one blog page [cos that’s what most people have time/energy for] but more important to write the story they need to write so if it goes a little longer that is great… so if you are able and willing and keen to write the gist/heart of the story specifically focusing on how you went from pro to anti-abortion that would be a great one to share… if you are willing could you send it to me sometime at brettfish@hotmail.com – will be busy with this series for a week or two i imagine so no immediate hurry… much love, brett fish

  51. I would like to leave a proper tank you for liking my post, but it seems my cildren ave broken te letter after “g” on my keyboard. lol. I look forward to learning more from you!

  52. Thanks! You can tell your kids they put a smile on my face.

  53. Thank you for stopping by. You sound remarkable … Keep going with all you are doing with prolife issues. Kris Vallotton has a great book on the issue, and speaks with great clarity on the issue. We need more voices such as yours to rise up in Australia. Blessings, God is Good!

  54. Thank you for taking time to read my post and liking it.

    Blessed to visit your blog and read about you, may our Lord give you strength and wisdom for what you’re called and doing.

  55. Thank you Dev!

  56. Thank you for liking my post and for giving me the opportunity to be introduced to your blog. I appreciate hearing that you are fighting for morality and for the sanctity of human life in the public arena and I am very much looking forward to reading some of your blog posts in the next few days. God bless! Julie

  57. Julie I love your devotionals. Keep up the good work!

  58. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love that you are standing up for your beliefs. More Christians need to stand up and show what it really means to be a Christian. We love our God, we love others as ourselves and we don’t use the Bible as a weapon.

    1. “We love our God, we love others as ourselves and we don’t use the Bible as a weapon.” Beautiful Mindy!

  59. Many thanks for liking my recent post. It takes courage to add your voice to the fight. I admire your strength in standing up for what you believe in.

  60. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post, “Can one possess virtue apart from God” blessings to you. We need more “statespeople” and less politicians at all levels of govt.

    1. I think we were both addressing the same issues in our two blogs, just from different angles.

  61. it is very nice to meet you and thank you for following my blog

  62. What a beautiful testimony!! May God’s richest blessings be upon your life as you walk with Him and serve the people of your state in such a magnificent capacity!

    1. Thank you Juliana!

  63. Shine that light. It is a BIG darkness we face in this world, BUT we have an even BIGGER LIGHT!! 🙂 Encouragement is a powerful thing. You liking my blog encouraged me, I hope to have been able to pass along a little to you today as well. 🙂

    1. I am sooooo happy that something I did encouraged another Christian. You certainly encourage me.

  64. Holly J. Harrington · · Reply

    Rebecca first I must say I support you as a politician in your own state althought I cant vote for you, you have my life vote. I also hope you are supported by those in the Susan B. Anthony Institute which supports life.

    I have the greatest respect for a Politician who respects life. Its what we need in this country. I to was a Pro-choice person before I started seriously looking at my faith better. I to have gone back to my Catholic family and I welcome you to this home as well. Thank you for coming over to “Rome” as they say. You cannot be Christian/Catholic and support abortion its just ridiculous considering that during the time of Christ when He was ready to be born Herod called an execution mandate for those 2 years and under. The slaughter probably just wasnt for those who were outside womb Im guessing that they probably went after the babes who were still in their mother’s wombs. To me this is a modern day sacrifce to Satan. In the old Testament it speaks of Israel following false gods and sacrificing their children. I cant help feeling this same blood sacrifice goes on today only Satan encouraged it to be more creative than the Bible. Its not surprising since all Angels both fallen and approved by God would have an understanding of its content. Many think Satan is a myth which is a big mistake. Even if you dont believe in this manner believe that this kind of creature is possible in this Universe and very dangerous to us on this planet.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and I support you as well. If anyone else is interested in Christian/Catholic information see me at WordPress: Jean’sBistro2010’s blog. God Bless everyone and this lady is worth voting for. So if your out there Oklahoma keep this lady in as long as possible. She is working for you especially someone who respects life which is very essential to a democracy/republic. Peace.

  65. Holly, your observation that today’s abortions parallel the ancient practice of sacrificing children to false gods is, in my opinion, exactly right. Thank you for taking the time to share it.

  66. Hi Rebecca, thanks for visiting my blog, She’s Bookin’ at arlynlawrence.wordpress.com. I enjoyed reading your story and learning about what you do. I admire your stand for Truth and Life and all that you are doing to defend both. Prayers for God’s blessings and favor on you and on all you are doing!

  67. it takes great courage to be a follower of Christ and still be a servant to the Public of OK.

    I will be keeping you in thoughts and prayers!

    God bless

    1. I think it is increasingly becoming necessary for all followers of Christ to have courage. As you and I both said elsewhere, we need to support and help one another as we are able.

      1. For me, it is also important that I remember that God is God and all good comes from God.

  68. Another Rebecca! 🙂 I wanted to stop by and say “Thank you” for liking my post, “In His Sight”. It was such a blessing to see that star and to know that my labor is not in vain. My hope is always to encourage and uplift. I applaud your dedication to living a dedicated life in *every* avenue of your life. So many Christians will follow Christ but only to a certain point. Standing for right, no matter where you are, takes courage. Which brings to mind Joshua 1:9, it is a scripture that has seen me through some of my toughest times. God Bless you Rebecca, keep up the fight and know that you are in my prayers.

    1. Rebecca, (that is one fine name, btw) your blog is so honest and touching. We all let the minutiae of daily life take over and separate us from God — and we are all “saints in training.” Blessings.

  69. It is awesome to see a public servant standing up for Christ in the political arena!

  70. Thank you John!

  71. Hi Rebecca. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post “Ten Tips to Help Protect Your Marriage Against Adultery / Extra Marital Affairs – Tip #4”. May the Lord bless, keep, strengthen, encourage, and guide you as you seek to do His will and promote the values of His Kingdom concerning life. Know that you are never alone. Shalom!…..Kim

  72. Dear Ms. Hamilton,

    Thank you so much for “liking” my blog post on discipleship. It really means a lot to me. May the Lord bless you richly as you continue to take your faith beyond the parking lot of your church!


  73. Thanks for checking out and liking my blog.

  74. Hi Rebecca,
    Thank you for visiting and reading my blog. I must say I never expected to have someone in such a public role reading my blog! I look forward to reading yours!

  75. St. Anne Center for Reproductive Health · · Reply

    Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your strength and witness help us all! I look forward to following your insights. God Bless you!

    1. Thank YOU for the remarkable work that you do!

  76. Dear Sister Rebecca,
    I praise God the Almighty for your love of the Eucharist. Thank you for your prayers for the Christians in Indonesia.

    Your brother,
    A Christian Pilgrim
    A Christian Pilgrim

    1. I decided earlier today to pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart, since this is June. I will pray this for the Christians in Indonesia and entrust our brothers and sisters there to Him.

  77. Kudos to you for standing for values that so many have negated. It is not a popular thing. We need more people to stand up for what really matters.

    1. We need Christians in all walks of life to follow Jesus first in their own lives and actions. That would change the world.

      1. Yes!! and Amen! That is so true! If we lay down our lives, He can rise in us and through us!

        1. I know. It’s amazing what God does with us if we just do what He tells us to do.

  78. Just love to say thank you for liking my post. I pray your blog continues to be encouraging to so many people.

    1. Thank you, and back at you!

  79. Hi Rebecca………thanks for the “like” on “How to Deal With Workplace Enemies”…….be encouraged to continue to let your light shine before men………Shalom!…..Kim

  80. Thanks Kim. Dealing with workplace enemies is a challenge almost everyone faces at one time or another.

  81. Thank you for visiting Itsmindbloggleing. I am impressed that you are a politician and a Christian. I know the Lord was with us that day on the river and I hope he stays with you in your position in the government.

  82. Thank you Nancy!

  83. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I’m so glad to have found yours as well! It is so wonderful and refreshing to hear of people who still stand up for what they believe in.

  84. Thank you. Your observation in your blog that when it comes to faith we are all on a journey is so true.

  85. Thanks for visiting my site. I’m sure you picked up on your visit there that whatever we do as a person or a nation is returned to us. It teaches that if a person takes the life of a child (abortion) because the child is inconvenient or an unnecessary expense, then that person will have their life ended because they are an inconvenience or an unnecessary expense. When a whole nation becomes involved in this activity, then we can look forward to euthanasia,, revolution or sharia law, when we will be disposed of.

  86. Thanks Rebecca for your visit to inclinedright.com. Thank you for standing for life. I reckon this battle is near to the heart of God. Bless you!

    1. Thank you. You summed it up in your line saying that all the rights and responsibilities of humanity have their source in God.

  87. Hi Rebecca! Thank you for liking my post earlier today! And may I just say, your blog is such an encouragement to me. I am so thankful God led me here to see your fearless testimony for Him in the Oklahoma State Legislature. Nearly four years ago, I heard God’s call on my life to follow Him into the political scene. Doing what, exactly, hasn’t been revealed to me yet, but I do know that it will be a path similar to yours in standing for Jesus. Currently I am a seventeen-year-old college student studying for my AA in political science and learning as much as I can about how it all works. Thank you, again, for being a vessel spilling God’s grace into every sphere of this world – especially government, where many Christians are afraid to go. I pray His love would shine brighter through you every day. Have a wonderful evening!

    1. Bronwyn, we need strong Christians in politics. Grow in grace, and trust Him. He’ll open the path for you when the time is right.

  88. Thank you Rebecca for visiting my blog and taking the time to read it and like it. I’ll be following yours from here on out.

    Keep on keeping on.

    1. Thanks Nathan!

  89. Rebecca, I was so excited when I saw that you had visited my blog… WOW! I became an ordained pastor 3 years ago, but just opened Radiant Faith Worship Center in March, attendance is low, hits on the blog and other Social Media slow ~ so you were a ray of light in my world today, and I can’t thank you enough. You “liked” my silliest post (I typed it on my break extremely frustrated) Maybe I should learn how to not be so serious.
    I admire your courage ~ Politics is someplace I pray God never leads me. Don’t ever let anyone shake your faith! And always remember to stand up for “the least of these” too. =) Thanks again.

    1. Julie, your blog is great. I enjoyed it.

  90. Bless you for speaking up in this increasingly volatile environment.great to see you stand for righteousness.

    1. Thank you Reb!

  91. Dear Rebecca,

    Thank you for reading and “liking” my blog post today. It was good to come over and visit yours, too! God bless you in your difficult work.

    1. Thank you Leanne!

  92. I am finding the HHS Mandate has stirred me as well. I an finding it is not enough to be merely a Catholic, but to be openly a Catholic. To be better prepared to explain my faith, for a start, and to serve as an example. Thank you for the blog. I’ll tune in often!

    1. “I an finding it is not enough to be merely a Catholic, but to be openly a Catholic. To be better prepared to explain my faith, for a start, and to serve as an example.”

      That’s where I am exactly. Thanks for your note.

  93. Rebecca, thanks for visiting my blog today. I’m glad you liked it. As I stated on the front page-who I am and why I write-I never know what is going to come out these fingers-during my days, God usually will point out something an incident or a scripture or a passage that I have read and that’s what I start with thinking we will go this way-but we never do! I certainly do not have His Thoughts Or His Ways! I am always so surprised when I read the finished product. But I know I am doing what He wants me to do-so I do hope you will come back and now I am going to have to read all your posts-you have so many wonderful comments! Back in the 70’s I taught a neighborhood Bible Study and half of my neighbors that came were Catholic Christians as I called them and they called themselves-to differentiate from those who are just Church members. So I am always thrilled when I meet someone like you. Glory is what I say. Hallelujah that you are willing to stand up!

  94. Thanks for the follow and for liking my post God loves Gays 2.

    1. You’re quite welcome.

  95. Thank you for visiting my blog and clicking the like. I’m also from Oklahoma. Glad you’ve added your voice to the fight.

    1. Hi Wayne! What part of Oklahoma are you from?

  96. God does love gay people. He just abhors their behavior. Romans 1 states that very clearly. But God also says He hates all sin and that sin is sin is sin. So what and how they are sinning isn’t any worse than how I am sinning-especially if I know better and do it anyway.

  97. Cindy, that’s a pretty good summary of how I understand Catholic teaching on this matter.

  98. I am not Catholic, but I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I go to a non denominational church-was originally brought up Southern Baptist till I was an adult and could make the change. I just believe the Bible is true. Period. What Jesus said is truth. Period. and that is what I share, day in, day out with people I get to speak with across America. there are a lot of people who believe, but don’t know or haven’t been taught that there is one final step to take besides believing in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross. He said in Rev 3:20 that He stands at the door of people’s hearts and knocks, asking for them to let him come in. but they have to open the door and they have to ask him to come in-but once they do-He /the Holy Spirit is there always. So many people tell me they did not know they needed open the door and ask him in. So I tell as many as I can.

  99. “So many people tell me they did not know they needed open the door and ask him in. So I tell as many as I can.”


  100. reigh · · Reply

    Thanks for stopping by and liking my post! I’m really enjoying the topics you write about. Stand firm! Fight the good fight! Blessings.

  101. God bless your work and may you help produce change that not only impacts the political arena but God’s Kingdom!

    1. That is my prayer for all of us.

  102. Hi Rebecca – Great credentials and I love it when individuals stand up and allow themselves to be heard. Yesterday I posted a review of Faith by Jennifer Haigh – a Catholic priest accused of child abuse – but he’s innocent. It’s a terrific read, if you haven’t read it already. Beginning Monday, I’ll be posting about something going on in government (primarily at the federal level) and then Wed will be reserved for my book reviews. Thanks for checking me out. Sheri

    1. Sheri, I enjoyed your blog. It sounds as if you’re very organized and productive in how you approach it. Thanks for your comment.

  103. Hi Ms. Hamilton, I just wanted to say thanks for checking out my blog, Life at Le. Rheims. I appreciate the visit. You have some really great, honest, and hard hitting posts over here, and I look forward to reading them some more.

    1. Thank you Bridget!

  104. Rebeca, I am replying from Brazil. We do need conscious and true Christians in politics. I am glad you support traditional mariage, and so do I. For true Christians, politics is a ministry for God. Go on adding your voice to those who believe that the biblical values for men, women and the family are for today and forever.

    1. Thank you Mariano. You are correct when you say that, for true Christians, politics is a ministry for God. I believe this is true, not just for politicians, but for every Christian in every walk of life. We are all called to speak for Christ, whatever we do.

  105. Thanks for liking my blog post Rebecca!

    Stephanie Dunham

    1. Stephanie, the banner on your blog is the one of the funniest things I’ve seen in quite a while. Thumbs up!

      1. Hi Rebecca,
        Thanks for saying so! Please feel free to visit anytime!


  106. I respect your passion for life and your willingness to speak out. When a newspaper columnist, I took alot of heat for being pro life and public with my faith. WordPower is just the next step.

    1. I feel somewhat the same way about this being the next step. I imagine you did take a lot when you were a columnist. People who are willing to do are what we need.

  107. Thank you for visiting my blog, I’m glad that it led me to yours. It’s refreshing to see people standing up for their faith.

  108. One Christian Dad · · Reply

    Hi Rebecca, Thank you for the like on my blog – I am glad there are people with morals and values in politics. While I am not Catholic or American (I am Protestant – Reformed- and Canadian) I do admire you for your stance on life issues and wish there were more politicians in Canada with your values. I am currently involved with Canadian Center for bio-ethical reform and weneedalaw.ca because Canada is the only country in the western world without abortion legislation. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thank you for your comment, and for the work you do.

  109. Just wanted to say thanks for reading my blog. 🙂

    1. You’re welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

  110. John H. Harbison · · Reply

    Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for reading my post and taking time the time to like it.

    God bless you.

    1. John, you have a great blog that teaches the practical application of living in Christ.

  111. Thanks for fighting for children. I have one with Down syndrome, one with a brain malformation, and one who was given a 1:5 chance in utero of having a “not-compatible-with-life” diagnosis of trisomy 13/18. Praise God for His mercy that my baby was very much compatible with life and did not wind up having trisomy 13/18 at birth, but it was no thanks to the doctor and this culture who would question the value of her precious life. The mere fact that God knits together a child in the womb ascribes more value to it than all the money man (or insurance companies) can offer.


    1. Thank you Alyson. God bless you.

  112. Thank you for liking my post. I’m pretty new at online writing and hope to increase my ability as time goes on. I also read your information and I am amazed at the changes God can bring. thank you for sharing your story.

    1. Thank you for the good work you are doing with your blog!

  113. Thanks for liking my blog posts lately. 🙂

    1. Matt, I enjoy your posts. You’re correct: writing is therapy!

  114. Hey Rebecca, I just wanted to say thanks for your comments and following what God’s doing in Madagascar. Thank you also for serving where you are, I deeply appreciate it. I’ll be following your story as well.

    1. I am grateful for what you are doing in Madagascar. Thank you.

  115. Hello Rebecca,

    Thank you very much for reading my post. It is very encuraging to read your blog and your article on marriage is the most apropriate response to legislation about marraige that I ever seen. It has also been ecouraging to see the other people here who you have paid attention to!

    May God bless you!

    In Christ,
    The Abiding Kingdom

    1. Thank you for your comment. I think the work you are doing with SOAP is fantastic! Thank you for taking it on.

  116. eaTWritESnaPLove · · Reply

    Thank you very much for reading my blog. I hope you liked what you read and continue to follow me. I will do the same. I am hoping to become a voice for many invisible people I have encountered through my life-time and I am inspired by your drive to be the voice for those who deserve a chance at life.

    1. I do like your blog. As you said in your quote of St Ignatius Loyola: Go forth and set fire to the world.”

  117. I don’t agree with everything you say, but you write well and have important things to say. Keep it up!

    1. Hugh, no two people EVER agree with one another about everything. It’s not part of the human equation.

      Thank you for your nice post!

      1. You are most welcome! Right back at you!

  118. I greatly appreciate you taking time to stop by my blog. I am far from a professional at this, but pray it might be a light unto the world and their path unto Christ!
    I very much enjoyed reading your bio Ma’am, and glory be to God in your conversion to the will of the Lord; Jesus Christ!
    I am a disabled combat veteran of The Gulf War, if I could ask one thing of you Ma’am outside of sharing your faith, it would be to fight hard for the service members &I veterans

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I’m like you: Not a professional, but simply trusting that God has a plan for how to use me to further His Kingdom.

      As for supporting veterans, yes. Definitely.

  119. faithfulnibbles · · Reply

    I am honored that you stopped by my blog. I look forward to spending more time on yours.

    1. The story about how you prayed with your secretary is very touching. Thank you for sharing it, and thank you for stopping by here as well.

  120. Tito Ndoka · · Reply

    Following. Thanks for the blessing.

  121. angels2send · · Reply

    thank you for your votes of confidence, on my blog, but mostly for our beautiful Saviour in the public sector… i pray that God will bless you as you live out the life He has called you to. Isn´t He amazing?

    1. Yes, He is amazing … beyond our comprehension. Thank you for your comment!

  122. Hi. I hopped over here to say thank you for clicking “like” on one of my posts, but I stayed to read a while as well. I just want to say I appreciate what you do in your position in the Oklahoma House of Reps. and on this blog. The Lord bless you in your efforts!

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Don’t be a stranger.

  123. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love what you say here…
    “I want to add my small voice to the fight…”
    Amen to that.

    1. I could use some of the self-knowledge you have found in your journey. Thank you for your kind comment.

  124. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog and liking it! I applaud you for standing up and writing about how deterimental the HHS mandate is to our religious freedoms and especially that life is a gift from God and not to be taken for granted. How we need more legislators like you! God Bless!

    1. Thank you! I enjoy your blog. Thank you for doing it.

  125. Back in May, some friends of mine protested outside this abortion clinic in Jackson, Wyoming. You may want to read this sometime:

    “Jacksonites, Yours is a Bloody City”

    1. Tim, it sounds as if the churches in Jackson are afflicted with the same conflicts that they are here in Oklahoma. Thank you for the link. My prayers are with you.

  126. Dear Rep. Hamilton, Thanks for visiting my blog http://outofegyptblog.wordpress.com/
    Continue to fight the good fight….and remember that it is a fight. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Fr James!

  127. Thanks so much for stopping by & liking our post at ‘Memories on the Journey’ today! We hope you’ll come back soon & find more encouragement in our stories about this adventure we’re having in Hong Kong! May you continue to know God more & make Him known! Blessings, JK.

  128. Lovely to read about you Rebecca and see what a great work the Lord is doing through you. “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion…” Philippians 1:10

    Thanks as well for liking my blog which is always a great encouragement. Every blessing to you and yours…

    1. Thanks for your comment!

  129. Rep. Hamilton,
    Thank you for your tremendous witness! If only we had more politicians like you, our Nation would certainly be in much better shape than it is!!! I’m most honored that you read/enjoyed my article. I look forward to getting to know you. Please be assured of my prayers for you and your intentions. May Our Lord and Our Lady enfold you in the safe refuge of their Most Sacred Hearts! Pax et Bonum! J. Brunelle, Marian Apostolate

    1. Thank you J. The portrait of Our Lady that you use is one of my favorites. I love it.

  130. Inspiring. It is a pleasure to find those few people who have the integrity to admit mistakes and make ammends in their life. I too had a checkered past. My conversion to Catholicism changed forever my view of life and my understanding politics. We could use some politicians with your grit. Thanks for visiting my blog as well – I’m honored.

    1. I enjoy your blog a lot; very informative. Keep up the good work!

  131. Thank you for “liking” my post. I haven’t had time to read yours yet. It takes me hours to recall my past stories to relate on a post. I started doing my history for my kids who are “some here, some there”. They seem to like it and it keeps us closer. I will look forward to reading your blog in the future.

    1. Thank you. Your blog is very good.

  132. Thanks for reading my blog Sunflower Chalice, Rebecca. I was raised Catholic and then I had a religious conversation and LEFT the Catholic Church to become a Unitarian Universalist. I have to say, and I know Catholic theology as well as most having been to seminary and taught theology in Catholic high schools for 8 years, that Catholics are irrationally off base when they claim violations of religious freedom for being required in the public acts to obey public laws. Indeed when Catholic institutions do make available women’s health care in accordance with the law, it is the Catholic Church that is violating the religious freedom of those who do not wish to follow their religious rules. I also take issue with the terms pro-life and pro-choice as BOTH as misnomers. Folks with a “pro-life” world view are not necessarily abortion advocates. In fact, I don’t know anyone who goes around saying or believing that all women should have an abortion whenever and wherever they can. I am also amazed at how many people with a “prolife” world view are shocked into disgust at abortion, but have no problem supporting capital punishment, war and other forms of irrational violence. Interestingly, I look at the “Seamless” garment theology of Cardinal Joseph Bernadine as something for which we might strive, a theology and a practice where we respect all life from the beginning to the end of a lifespan with dignity, health and welfare. We may find that in constructing such a theology or philosophy that we need to make allowances for ending a pregnancy or fighting a war in self defense. These issues are never black and white. I also have to add that a religious institution such as the Catholic Church that is still actively covering up massive child abuse and endangerment, doesn’t grant equal rights as human beings to women or homosexuals, has little respect when it wants to talk about any moral issue, especially and including things about life, including pro-life issues. If Catholics and their church were truly pro-life they would be anti child rape.

    1. Rev Tony, my first reaction to your post was not to approve it, not because of the issues you raise, but because you raise so many that it’s difficult to deal with them in a comments forum. In fact, your comment seems more like a separate blog post. But I decided to go ahead and allow it and take a shot at answering.

      Here we go:

      1. I get it: You hate the Catholic Church. That’s your privilege.
      2. The government of the United States, through an agency rule referred to as the HHS Mandate, is attempting to force the Catholic Church to violate its own teachings.

      This is NOT a law. It was not passed by a legislative body. It is a rule established by an appointed committee of the Health and Human Services Department of the United States Government. It was accepted by the President, but even he had no official part in its drafting. No one who was elected by the people had any part in drafting this rule.

      It is not a violation of anyone’s freedom for a religious organization to refuse to pay for the purchase of their birth control or abortifacients. It does not stop individuals from buying these things, which are freely available, themselves. There is a world of difference between exercising the freedom to do something (buy birth control or abortifacients) yourself and compelling someone else to do it for you. The first is an exercise of your own freedom; the second is an attempt to impinge on the freedom of others.

      It IS a violation of religious freedom to force the largest denomination in the United States to violate its own consistent moral teaching at the government’s behest.

      3. Your dislike of the terms “pro life” and “pro choice” is your personal preference. You’re entitled to it.
      4. It is not true that pro life people “have no trouble supporting capital punishment, war and other forms of irrational violence.” For instance, I have a 16-year record of voting publicly in a legislative body against the death penalty and I am proud to say that I am “pro life.” You mention the Seamless Garment of Life viewpoint yourself. I would also point you to Consistent Life, a group of which I am proud to be a member. In truth, pro life people hold a number of positions on these complex issues. You say yourself that these issues “are never black and white.”
      5. The Catholic Church DOES NOT support child rape. I do not defend the failure to follow Christ evidenced by bishops who transferred child molesters from parish to parish and covered up for them. I don’t believe that anyone who is truly following Jesus Christ could do such a thing. But that is not the teaching of the Church. It is a sinful failure on the part of these bishops. I converted to the Catholic Church. Before that, I was a member of other denominations and sat on their boards. I also have been a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives for 16 years. Believe me, this evil is not confined to the either Catholic Bishops or to religious institutions.
      6. The Catholic Church has a two-thousand year record of standing for the sanctity of all human life. This goes back to the beginning. It began in a world where people murdered their baby girls because they didn’t want them by exposing them, and has come full circle to a world where we murder our baby girls because we don’t want them by abortion. I am a grateful and proud member of the Catholic Church.

      Feel free to post again, if you would like. However, please confine your future posts to one topic at a time. It’s takes too much space to answer so much at once.

      Thank you.

  133. Meshawn Senior · · Reply

    Thank you for your interest in my blog, Rep. Hamilton. Looking forward to reading yours, as well. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Meshawn.

  134. Hi there, Rebecca! 🙂 I saw that you visited our family’s homeschool blog (which, sadly, is not that updated. I’ve been using Blogger for quite some time now – you can check out http://www.teachermamatina.blogspot.com and http://www.trulyrichmom.com if you like. 🙂

    Anyway, thank you sooo much for dropping by! Looking forward to reading your blog as well! God bless always!

    1. I’m a former homeschooling mom myself. It was quite an adventure.

      Why did you switch to Blogger? I’m new to all this, and still trying to figure it out.

  135. Rebecca, thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my post on our Identity in Christ! I see that you love the Lord, and are an outspoken advocate for the unborn. In 1999 God gave my husband and I a beautiful trial of His outspoken Grace when we, ourselves, were brought full force into the abortion debate (more so than I ever thought I would be) when the attending physician at the OG practice I went to told us that our unborn child had Anencephaly and that we could abort our baby. We boldly told him, no because we believe God to be the Author and Giver of Life. Our beautiful daughter, Abigail Grace, was born on Aug. 3, 1999, and went home to be with the Lord on Aug. 4, 1999. We are so grateful that God used her in our lives and graced us with the gift of her life. May HE always be praised. Thank you for your stand.

    1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful story of faith and love Latanya. It is a special blessing to me since I’ve had to deal with legislation concerning this very thing — in a most acrimonious and unpleasant atmosphere. God love you.

  136. praise the Lord Jesus for your salvation and for dropping by our blog too.

    1. Thank you Mike!

  137. Thank you, Rebecca, for visiting my blog, “Still Standing?”. I appreciate you taking the time to read it and I thank you for standing strong for the unborn and innocent who have no voice of their own! God Bless You!

    1. Thank you Avie!

  138. Thanks for “liking”…

    I think you are dynamic and awesome and a strong voice for the truth of Christ regardless of the denominational banners we all serve under.

    The country (countries and nations of the world for that matter) is running off the rails…and fast. Strong clear moral convictions and positions such as yours are the only anchoring spikes in the bedrock of society that will be able to keep the ties in place. You are Presidential material.

    God Bless you Rebecca. God Bless You.

    Ontario, Canada

    1. Thank you Gary!

  139. Rebecca,
    Thanks for checking out my blog. I have enjoyed reading through yours. I went from being very liberal in my views to much more conservative views. It was coming to Christ that changed my views a little at a time. I appreciate you taking such a public stand. Thanks for taking such a risk.

    1. Angeal, God did the same with me. Thank you for your nice comment.

  140. Rebecca, thank you for stopping by and “liking” my blog on the Weapon of the Prayer of Agreement. I appreciate your support! May you experience great success in your endeavors to make a difference in lives of the unborn! God Bless!

    1. Thank you Avanell! You have a great blog.

  141. Sister Grumpy · · Reply

    I just read that you had visited my latest Sunday News post on “Sister Grumpy’s Church Blog.” What a surprise from such a distinguished person and fellow blogger! My blog is an upgrade from the hard-copy newsletter that my Unity Church in S. Texas used to have. It helps keep all our seasonal members in touch so they won’t have to ask what happened while they were living in their cooler northern homes all summer. It’s great to see that there are still a lot of Christians out there who not only read this sort of blog, but out their thoughts out there, too. Blessings and strength for the fight to come.–Sis G/Kaye M

    1. I think “Sister Grumpy’s Church Blog” is the most hi-larious name for a blog I’ve ever seen. Love it.

      Thanks for your comment and keep up the good work.

  142. Thank you Rebecca! Keep on making a difference! You’re doing a great job!

  143. Hello Rebecca! I just wanted to personally thank you for being an inspiration to me and my blogging aspirations! With that said, I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for The Reader Appreciation Award! You can check out the details on my blog at http://faith1stministries.wordpress.com . CONGRATULATIONS!!

    1. Thank you Sebastien!

      1. You are welcome Rebecca! Keep up the good work!

  144. Thank you, Rebecca, for “liking” my blog on the weapon of praying in the Spirit. I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Thank you, again, for standing for the rights of the unborn. May God bless you for your dedication to Him and them!

  145. Thanks for stoppy by my blog. I’m glad you enjoyed “Conviction or Correction”. God bless you in your endevours and may your voice continue to boldly proclaim truth.

  146. faithfulnibbles · · Reply

    I realize that you may not be interested in blogger awards, however, when I think of Sister of the World Bloggers who make a difference, you are certainly one of those. May God continue to bless you as you serve the State of Oklahoma and as you seek to make a difference in the ProLife battle.

    I have nominated you for the Sister Of World Bloggers Award. Go to my blog to get info to add your award to your blog. http://faithfulnibbles.wordpress.com/2012/06/29/a-sisterhood-o…-blogger-award/


    1. Thank you soooo much! I’m interested. I just can’t get it together to act on my awards. I may do a whole post of them. Thank you for doing this. I really do appreciate it.

      1. faithfulnibbles · · Reply

        I do understand. No problem. By nominating you, it has allowed me to share your blog with all those who follow my blog. Your messages are definitely read worthy.


  147. Rebecca, Thanks for checking out our blog. It is designed to give a Biblical presentation of the Gospel message as well as Biblical resources. We appreciate your strong stand for the rights of unborn children. As a born again Christian who loves the Lord and is word, I pray that we will have more representatives who will rise to prominence and speak up about the Holocaust of our generation. Joel

    1. Thanks Joel and Deanna!

  148. I would love to someday have the opportunity to meet you and have a nice conversation. I have several topics for you. Love and blessings, darling. Xoxox Lail.

    1. Thank you Lail Ann!

    2. PS As a 31 year incestuous rape survivor,born and raised in Oklahoma, my biological father still walking free, living in Enid, with state warrants and a DA aware of his whereabouts, the other my older brother adopted from Catholic Charities. I was born Catholic, hence my full name, Mary Catherine Lail-Ann. Wow! I would love to talk to you! Amen to so many or your points.

      1. Lail Ann, contact my office about your father. You can find it at the Oklahoma House of Representatives web site.

  149. Thank you, Rebecca, for visiting my blog today on The Soldier’s Attire. May you be blessed as you continue to carry out the call of God on your life. I admire you for taking a stand for the unborn as well as the future of our nation. God Bless you!

  150. Thank you for visiting mennonitepreacher.wordpress.com I’ll be visiting here again to read more often.
    brother Bill

    1. Thank you Brother Bill!

  151. Thank you, Rebecca. I didn’t expect you would visit my blog. It’s really a great encouragement for me trying to write.

    1. Francis, you have a wonderful blog, full of great information. Keep going!

  152. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for visiting my blog. I think it’s great that you are woman in politics, not afraid to stand up for her beliefs. I am curious as to what kind of conversion experience you experienced. I am always wanting to know more about how God touches people. If this question is too personal, that’s totally fine; no need to respond. Either way, I hope you have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you! It’s not that it’s too personal; it just won’t fit in a comments section. I don’t really think that, given the substantial backstory, it would fit in a blog post. If enough people are interested, I’ll think about how to do it.

  153. Jims Blog · · Reply

    Keep up the work and press towards the mark and high calling in Christ Jesus.

    1. Thank you Jim!

  154. Thanks for stopping by my blog a few times over the last few months. I appreciate your convictions and willingness to step into the public sector as a believer.

    1. Thanks Deanna!

  155. Thanks for liking my Blog Scrip-Bit, Rebecca. I only hope I can keep up the high standards I set for myself, both in the wiritng and my personal life, for too many Christians talk the talk, but don’t walk it, which turns others off. Please keeping standing for what you believe in, for as they say, if you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything. One of the major problems though with Christianity these days is the number of divisions within the different denominations. Unfortunately we cannot make a strong name for Christ unless we’re united, as one body, one church. Stand Strong! Much LOVE! Randy O.

    1. Thank you Randy! As far as keeping up your high standards, remember that God wants faithfulness. Success is in His hands, not ours. Oftentimes, what looks like failure, isn’t.

  156. I’m so pleased that you checked out my blog. I’m impressed with your story. Keep up the good work in a very tough state. We need good people like you.

    1. Thank you. I enjoy your blog. I especially like the quote from Shakespeare about prayer. You’re right; it is so apt.

  157. Thanks for liking my blog.Your stand for the truth encouraged me.

    1. Thank you and thanks of your great blog. Jesus is the “secret to successful life.” People need to hear that.

  158. jamesbradfordpate · · Reply

    Thanks for liking my post on Psalm 84, Representative Hamilton. Your story is amazing.

    1. Thank you James.

  159. Thank you for liking my post about “Don’t Lose It.” I appreciate it very much.

    1. Thanks Robert! We all lose sight of our great freedom in Christ. Thank you for reminding us that we have it.

  160. tben · · Reply

    Dear Ms. Hamilton,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my article “Lyrics Of Crooked Lines” I was very surprised when I woke up today and saw the email.

    May God continue to guide you in your job as representative and may you be a strong voice for the people of Oklahoma always.

    1. I enjoyed your post and your analogy of yourself as “the prize fighter.” Blessings in your quest.

  161. Thank you for reading my post, I do much interfaith work in Israel with the Catholic Focolare. Those who speak out deserve the respect of us all,

    1. Thank you Earl. You probably already know this, but Chiara Bidano was beatified a couple of years ago. Thank you for your work with the Catholic Focolare.

  162. I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You can find it here: simplyjuliana.wordpress.com/Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  163. Anyone who speaks up for the unborn is a friend of mine. They are so helpless. Good on you!

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed your post about the cedar of lebanon. Beautiful photos.

  164. I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! The instructions for the award can be found on my blog at http://aviesplace.wordpress.com. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you Avanell! Thank you also for your fine blog.

      1. You’re welcome, Rebecca! Keep on standing for the unborn! You’re making a difference in the lives of those who can’t speak for themselves! God Bless you!

        Thank you for taking the time to read and like my blog! I appreciate you!

  165. […] Oklahoma State Representative Rebecca Hamilton has recently posted an eye-opening series of articles on her blog, Public Catholic. I encourage all […]

    1. Thank you for the re-blog.

    1. Thank you, and thank you also for your posts on autistic children.

  166. Matt & Heather · · Reply

    Rebecca, thank you for liking my post. I appreciate your strong stand on your beliefs against the blatant encroachment on the fundamental rights of religious freedom in our country. It is difficult for us to watch what is happening there since we live overseas seeking to share the Good News in a very difficult place in South Asia.

    1. Thank you Matt & Heather! Thank you also for the great work you do for Jesus.

  167. Thank you for liking my post. Congratulations on your conversion. The angels are rejoicng. Welcome to the faith. May God bless you.


    1. Thank you Janiese.

  168. Thanks for visiting my blog, and thank you for standing for life! My family has long been looking to escape CA to either TX or OK, so your blog is one more “data point” in that decision. 🙂 God bless your efforts!

    1. Thank you Kristen.

  169. tammyhopkinson · · Reply

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate the feedback and love to write. I have spent the last eight years writing in college and would love to see my writing career take off. Thanks again and keep your eyes out for new material.

    1. Thank you Tammy. Your writing is good. Just keep join with it.

  170. Rebecca, I respect and admire you for your willingness to stand for Truth in the public square. Your voice is important, as is all of ours, as we respond to the calling God has given us. May all of of us be faithful and may God take our small offerings and multiply them as He did the loaves and fishes. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you Kathy!

  171. Thanks for visiting my blog Rebbcca.

    1. You’re welcome!

  172. Thanks for following my blog “Walk with Me” and the likes. I stopped by to thank you but also to let you know I appreciate the stand you take in a world where too many politicians live by the polls instead of their convictions. Thanks for taking a stand. I hope my daily journey can give you some inspiration as you give so many other inspiration to take a stand where you are.

    1. Thank you Richard.

  173. djeter · · Reply

    I have two cats (We are Siamese if you please; We are Siamese if you don’t please.) If you like conversion stories, here is one I liked: http://payingattentiontothesky.com/2009/07/30/conversion-stories-my-bright-abyss/ and there are more under the category (Leo Tolstoi and Cardinal Newman). Thank you for your visit to my humble site and greater thanks for joining the Catholics in the Public Square. dj

    1. Thanks for the conversion stories dj. I’ll read them later today when I have time. I’ve been thinking I might like a Siamese. They have so much personality!

  174. Thanks Rebecca for dropping by antanoniz. I read your bio and thoroughly enjoyed your personal journey narrative. May the Exalted Christ be pleased to grant you many victories in your tireless efforts on behalf of the Crown rights of King Jesus!

    1. Thank you for your good wishes.

    2. Thank you. I thought the seven questions to ask new converts was pertinent for all Christians, everywhere.

  175. Dear Rebecca’
    thank u for supporting mr, i ll be following your blog!!!!!

    1. Thank you Tazein’

  176. Dear Rebecca,
    I’ll be following your blog, it’s very inspirational!!!!!

    1. Thank you Tazein!

  177. Hi, Thank you for the like on my blog re: Requiem For a Fallen Brother – 2 (July 22). Im very much appreciated.


    1. You’re welcome, Neil.

  178. It’s tough to have a voice in the midst of disruptive relativism with a widely held culture of death. Stay strong. Thanks for being public and fighting for the good is always the right thing to do. Also, thanks for liking my blog.

    1. Thank you for your kind words.

  179. Radiant Mag · · Reply

    Dear Rebecca, thank you so much for finding and reading some of Radiant magazine’s posts. As an embryonic online mag being birthed from the tip of Africa (Cape Town, SA) it’s an honour to have someone of your stature “liking” what we have to say. Our hope is that Christian women the world over will also be empowered by the work of the spirit so that they can stand up against the accepted norms and beliefs of this age. Thank you for modeling this for us!

    1. Thank YOU for what you are doing! Blessings.

  180. As a pastor and a board member at a pregnancy care center, I thank you for your strong stand for Life. God bless you.

    1. Thank you Larry.

  181. Rebecca, I nominated your for the lovely blog award. Details can be found at my site

    1. Thank you Cindy!

  182. Thanks for your like on my post at my “Walking Next to Jesus” blog! I appreciate the very public stand you take on life.

    Lisa L. Kay

    1. Thank you Lisa.

  183. I am a New Yorker so your current political position does not affect me. I am glad that you are looking more to faith though to be honest I was raised Catholic and since I began reading the bible I realized that the Catholic church in general is a lot like the Pharasees and Saduccees. The Catholic church puts too much emphasis on ceremony and like Jesus’ time put more emphasis on tradition rather than the word of God. The Catholic church also teaches some things that are actually NOT biblical such as Mary Magdeline, unlike what the church teaches, was NOT a prostitute. The bible says church leaders should have only one wife not none, Mary, Jesus’ mother was not immaculately conceived, only Jesus was. I encourage reading the bible and compare some teachings to it. Sure the Catholic church does teach some things accurately but as I said too much emphasis on ceremony and not enough on faith. Christ taught that it is not “doing more good than bad” or earning your way to heaven because it cannot be done. Instead it is accepting Christ as Lord and savior for as is said in Ephesians we are “saved by Grace through Faith”

    1. Thank you for your comment.

      You raise too many issues for me cover them effectively in a comments section. But I’ll try to hit the high spots.

      Here goes.

      First, any path you take to Jesus is a valid path so far as I’m concerned. There is one Jesus, not many. If you don’t like the Catholic Church and want to go another way, that is fine with me.

      However, I do want to say that some of your statements such as your contention that the Church teaches that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, that we must “earn” our way to heaven and that there is an emphasis on tradition rather than the Word of God are not accurate.

      The Church does not teach these things. It also encourages study of Scripture. I have personally participated in several Bible study classes at my parish.

      The mass readings, which include extensive readings from the Old and New Testaments, the Gospels, and the Psalms, cover almost the entire Bible in a three-year cycle. The priest’s homily is designed to teach and educate about what these scriptures mean. Just going to mass on a regular basis is like attending a Bible College.

      I don’t mean to criticize anyone. I am only trying to give a more accurate view of my own church when I say that I attended more than one “Bible-based” church before my conversion to Catholicism, including a Fundamentalist church. I never encountered this kind of in-depth exposure to Holy Scripture in these churches.

      The Mass, if that is what you mean by ceremony, is an ancient rite that follows the same basic routine wherever you go. Personally, I find it very — and I mean VERY — comforting to know that I can walk into a Catholic Church wherever in the world I might be and immediately be at home in the liturgy. This “ceremony” is rich with scripture. It also, in the Eucharist, lets anyone who partakes, including someone as faulty as me, to touch the Living Christ and be healed by Him.

      I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into Mass feeling jangled and shattered by all the conflicts in my life and then, when I take communion, just instantly enter into the peace that passes all understanding. It is a direct, readily available, miracle that is there for everyone.

      As for the Church being like the Pharisees and Saducees, I can tell you unequivocally “not in my experience.” The priests, (if that’s who and what you are referring to) that I have been blessed to know have been uniformly gentle, loving and kind. The Church, including the people, have extended to me a kind of forgiveness, love and acceptance that I have never encountered anywhere else outside my close family. I owe these people, especially some of my Catholic women friends and one exceptional priest, a debt of gratitude and love. I don’t know what your experience has been, but that is mine.

      You are welcome to comment here on Public Catholic. But please try to not put so many topics in one comment. It’s too hard for me to answer them intelligently in this type of situation.

  184. Rebecca and “faithinGod” may I say that you both are correct? I have seen and experienced both
    the best and the worst in Catholic churches. For you Rebecca, how you described what you get
    is so great. It is on every level that we ALL need and wonderful that it comes from the Catholic church that you go to. Unfortunately for other Catholics, that is not their experience. there is not the Bible study (which to me is #1) and many times I have spoken to a priest who really had never gotten to the last stage of the salvation experience where you actually ask Jesus to come live in your heart. Where you actually accept His sacrifice for you. There has to be that moment in time where you do that. Just read REV 3:20. It is very plain. I will admit freely that I have spoken with pastors, deacons, Sunday School teachers who also have not taken that step either. I had a father who was all of those things-leading people to the Lord, but he was working his salvation and he didn’t give up his will and heart to the Lord until he was in his 60’s. He was so ashamed of that. He didn’t want to tell me ‘his story’ when I asked him. He told me I wouldn’t love him anymore if I knew his story. I told him if he didn’t know by now that I loved him regardless, unconditionally, we had a serious problem-and that he had to tell me. And so he told that in his mid 60’s (he was 85 at the time) he had finally gotten so sick of himself and so wearied by the burden he carried, that he went in the middle of the day to the altar at the church and spoke with the pastor and just gave it up. All I could say was Glory Hallelujah! At least you got it done!- he asked if I still loved him-of course I did. One week later, my Dad was gone to Jesus.
    why was this story important besides to me? just to show that ANYONE can fool ANYONE about their SALVATION if they want to enough to work at it a little. That is usually what it is about with other people-works. we all have a hard time understanding grace, it is an incredible state to be in.
    A State of Grace-and if one has not experienced it-they can not explain it!! They try, but listen carefully-“faith in God” that is what you are complaining about, whereas Rebecca is experiencing it both in and out of the church… as are other of my Catholic friends. Some are some are not.

    1. Thank you Cindy.

  185. markcares · · Reply

    Thank you for visiting my blog, http://www.markcares.wordpress.com. I so appreciate your stand for the unborn.

    1. Thank you Mark.

  186. One thing at a time, no problem. My only point really was that no religion is the “right path” to Jesus and that instead faith is most vital. My statement was that faith in God is most vital and the only path to Jesus. Yes there is only one Jesus which is why, although I attend a Methodist church and am a member of the trustees and even a local lay speaker I do not consider myself Methodist either, I am a Christian who believes in Jesus and that he is my Lord and Savior.

    1. Thank you for this nice comment!

  187. Dave Boller · · Reply

    I have been inspired by your blog and have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”! Check out the rules here:


    1. Dave, you’ve made my day. This is what I want to do.

      “I have been inspired by your blog “

  188. Wow, thank you for being the first on my blog and liking it. I don’t use the term “christian” to describe myself… I would rather say that I am a believer. Big difference! But anyway, I applaud your public displays of faith. I am also glad that you are doing this in the political spectrum. This country is in big trouble because God and Jesus Christ are being removed from wherever liberals can get the courts to get it done. Great job. I will continue to follow you.

    1. You are welcome! Thanks for your kind words.

  189. I am glad to know you, and want to keep in touch. (I am a liberal Baptist, Rev. H. E. Fosdick of Riverside Church NYC type…and also Union Seminary R. Niebuhr….and Tony Campolo…and Mother Teresa and Dorothy Day.) .

    1. Sounds like you’re good people Welcome aboard!

  190. wow! i got a like from u on my post. I am humbled. And good to see you fighting for the good life and faith. May God bless you and empower you even more to do His will… Love – a fellow believer in Christ 🙂

    1. Thank you! I love the subtitle to your blog “In Christ Alone.” It sums up the Christian life. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I also love the hymn by that name.

      Thanks for your visit to Public Catholic. Come back soon.

  191. You must have an amazing testimony! Thank you for living your faith publicly and fighting for the unborn. God bless you, Rebecca.

  192. Just want to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the esteemed ‘Reader Appreciation Award’. Please visit 1catholicsalmon to collect your badge of honour. Thank you for reading my blog!

    1. You are so kind. Thank you!

  193. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post about Janna. How did you even find it? I thought I had a limited following here in rural north Idaho 🙂 Your change in life is a great example of what God can do even in today’s culture.

    1. Thank you Evan. Your post about Janna was very touching. You have a great blog!

  194. What an amazing story and a great gift, to have had constituents to vote for you after changing your views. Now that’s grace! Thank you for your visits, “likes” and for work on the Internet. . PS. Oklahoma has a special place in my heart, having spent my childhood Summers in Checotah. Grace and peace to you.

    1. “a great gift, to have had constituents to vote for you after changing your views. Now that’s grace!”

      I know. I am more grateful to them than I have words to say.

  195. Oh wow! Thank you do much for liking and stopping by my site today. I am honored

    1. Thank YOU ! I enjoyed your blog a lot.

  196. Thanks for stopping by my site today and liking a post there. I really applaud your stance and views, especially after a conversion such as you have experienced. My stepdaughter chose not to abort our 18 year old grandson, and sometimes I wonder at the challenges she faced birthing a child at 19 and then raising an ADHD/Aspberger’s son while struggling with bipolar disorder and ADHD herself. It hasn’t been easy for her or her adoptive mother, who has stood by her and done a lot of caring for the granddson. But he is an amazing young man in his own right and loves his mother so much. God’s gift just like the rrest of us.

    1. Thank you Sherrey. I think you’re going to enjoy WordPress. It’s a great place with a wonderful community of spiritual and committed Christians who will reach out and support you.

  197. As a recent college grad with a degree in History&Political Science, AND a strong Christian myself, I say “Hats off!” to you! 🙂 We need more strong conservative women like you in government! You’re strength is inspiring and your dedication to your values (despite the persecution that may come) is commendable! Thank you for sticking up for your beliefs – no matter the cost!

    1. Thank you Lucille Marie!

  198. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks for visiting my blog – I took a look at yours as well, and I very much appreciate what you are doing to support life. Please continue to do this and put pressure on your own party to stop the supporting most aggressive agenda against life that this country has ever seen. It must be difficult to be a pro-life Dem, just as it is difficult to be an actual practicing Roman Catholic in the US, where we have two choices currently – leave or revolt. Please let me know if there is anything that someone like me could do to help, because as much as I’d love the experience of living abroad, the US is home and where my family lives. Thanks

    1. Joseph, you are right when you say that it is difficult to be a pro life Democrat. But it is necessary. We will never build a culture of life with half the people. As to what you can do to help; pray and ask God. He’ll answer you.

  199. I see that someone says we need more strong conservative women in government but I say we can drop the women and say we need strong conservative people of faith who will not allow themselves to be corrupted by the system.

    1. Thank you Vincent.

  200. Jeff Walker · · Reply

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Rebecca. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read on yours so far, and am heartened by what I see. Keep it up!

  201. Rebecca,

    I am always humbled visits to Patriarchs, Philosophers, & Phlip Phlops. It is very rewarding to know some people actually read some of my writings. God bless you. You are also the first “celebrity” that has visited my blog. I read your “Marriage is a Mess” post, and I appreciate your candor and sincerity, even in the face of persecution. It reveals a lot about your heart and your character. Please keep fighting the good fight.

    Andy Madonio

    1. Thank you Andy. Your blog is a deep one, full of careful thinking about the philosophical questions. Keep it up.

  202. Whoops! Rebecca, I offer my most abject apologies for getting your name wrong.

  203. Thank you for ‘liking’ my post at Minkyweasel World. I have read something about your background and good works and the fact that you are a Christian who is on fire for The Lord. looking at your recent post about the state of America and how things are getting worse by the minute brings me to Scripture and the beginnings of birth pains, the beginnings and groundwork being laid down at the approach of the end times. All the signs are there, the falling away from God, an increase in sinful nature, persecution of Christians and much more. In the face of it all we find that we cannot change what has been ordained and prophesied whilst at the same time we have to make a stand in the hope that those who will repent will respond.
    I was a little dismayed when I discovered you had switch to the Catholic Church but I got to thinking maybe she is in that church as an influence to its members. The reason I was concerned is because of what I have discovered about the Catholic Churches leadership and not the worshippers themselves. I say worshippers rather than Christians for I believe many Catholics are not being told the truth from the pulpit. Follow this link to see what I mean. http://dawnmarie4.wordpress.com/2012/01/28/are-catholics-christian/ May God enlighten your heart my sister to this deception. God bless you

    Shirley Anne x

    1. Thank you Shirley Anne.

  204. ladylikeideas · · Reply

    Thanks for visiting again, Rebecca, and for the like. And most of all, thank you for all you do and what you stand for. Keep up the hard fight. Your just God is watching. 🙂

    1. I think anyone who like hot green tea, even in July, should be listened to!

      Thanks for your comment.

      1. ladylikeideas · · Reply

        LOL!!! Hey, you can’t beat a good, hot tea. It’s my thinking juice!!

  205. Huh. not sure what green tea has to do with knowing what one is talking about but green tea with a spot of honey is pretty good.

  206. RhondaKrill · · Reply

    I really appreciate you liking my three day old blog, Rebecca! Thanks so much for the encouragement.

    1. You are welcome Rhonda!

  207. Katie Prescott Beasley · · Reply

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking my post. I only read this one page, but I’m always impressed when I hear how God changes someone’s heart. Praise to our God! I was born in Oklahoma–Ponca City, to be precise. We were in Tulsa for a couple of years, too. My husband pastored a church there and I taught school in Glenpool.

    1. Thank Katie! Welcome.

  208. toseekhimwithallofmyheart · · Reply

    Rebecca, I would like to thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and for taking the time to read and like my most recent post. I appreciate that. What an wonderful story you have here with regards to your conversion. God can truly change our hearts no matter where we find ourselves in life. I applaud you for standing up for what you believe. Yes, the road ahead will be difficult…no ‘maybes’ about it. But you are not alone. Your ‘small’ voice just adds to the harmony of the fight. I look forward to reading some more of your posts. Hope you’ll stop by mine again. Take care!

    1. Thank you for this beautiful comment.

  209. Hi rebecca, Thank u for stopping by at my blog and liking it! 🙂 God bless u in everything that u r doing, in the things God leads u… To Jesus be all the Glory !

  210. Thank you. You have an inspiring blog. Thank you for creating it.
